coulometric method
Coulometric coating thickness measurement for quality control
Above a certain layer thickness, the non-destructive measurement of layer thickness with X-ray fluorescence reaches its limits. This is where the COULOSCOPE® CMS2 comes into play. It measures the coating thickness of almost any metal layer by using the coulometric method. This is done quite simply by deplating the coating. Many common single- and multilayer coatings can be measured accurately with the COULOSCOPE CMS2.
The coulometric method is a cost-effective, precise alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method – provided you can accept a destructive method for coating thickness measurement. It offers you maximum flexibility, as it can be used for a wide range of coating-carrier combinations. You benefit from the coulometric method of coating thickness measurement especially in the quality control of electroplated coatings, as well as for monitoring the residual tin thickness on printed circuit boards.
STEP test: coulometric coating thickness measurement and measurement of electrochemical potentials
If you want to measure electrochemical potentials in addition to the coating thickness when using the coulometric method, the COULOSCOPE CMS2 STEP is your instrument. The STEP test method allows you to measure the differences in potential and the layer thicknesses of multiple nickel coatings simultaneously – ideal for determining e.g. the corrosion behavior of these coatings.