Belec Vario Lab
Laboratory Optical Emission Spectrometer

Belec has entirely re-designed the well established laboratory spectrometer.
The Belec Vario Lab again sets a unique standard in terms of precision and flexibility as it has been continuously improved in order to fulfill today’s needs for metal analysis.
It is – again- the most competitive in terms of flexibility as far as sample size and shape is concerned.
Next to the fixed sparking stand it can be equipped with an additional sparking probe.
The Belec Vario Lab is one of the most powerful spectrometers of its kind.
Thanks to a simple operating interface and Software Belec WIN 21 there are virtually no limitations. Any program feature can easily be selected and configured according to customer specific applications.
The fields of application are not limited. Whether in the laboratory or workshop – there is no location that can not be considered.

Ideal Working Conditions
The attractive design of the Belec Vario Lab ensures an ergonomic set-up of the spectrometer at a comfortable working height. The drawer has enough space to accommodate user tools, drift correction samples and other accessories.
Get your Belec Vario Lab in the different versions: as inert gas- breathed, vacuum-operated or even air spectrometer, depending on the application.

Two Models to select, depending on your needs
The variation, Model 2P, equipped with the traditional, highly sensitive Photomultiplier detectors, is the ideal tool whenever maximum precision, accuracy and low limit of detection are essentially required.
The second variation, the Model 2C, is equipped with the latest-state-of art CCD detectors.
Due to the flexible design it is recommended for any multi-base application.
The well established 6GSO system, already used in other belec spectrometers ensures the uncompromising use of ideal spectral lines.
The need for daily recalibration is a thing of the past due to the MCDC system which automatically corrects spectral line drift.

Universally Applicable with additional Probe
An additional Sparking Probe can further enhance the functionality of the instrument.
For the analysis of big, bulky or indestructible samples, you can use one of our sparking probes. With this unique option, the Belec Vario Lab covers all possible applications for metal analysis.
Belec offers a number of accessories, both for mobile use at different places and localized use of the stationary instruments.
Whether sparking probes for mobile use with the Belec Compact Port HLC or in addition to the sparking table of the Belec Vario Lab – get to know more about our additional solutions for your individual requirements.
A number of adapters allow the testing of most different sample types as wires, tubes or other small parts. Due to especially developed adapters they can be analysed without any problems.
Furthermore, we offer our customers other solutions which exactly match with their applications.
Sparking Probes

Argon Probe
At Belec we produce handy sparking probes which are convincing because of its high measuring accuracy. In addition to other elements, the carbon content can be exactly analysed. By using a special optical procedure, measurements lower than 0,1 %C can be attained with the same accuracy as those achieved by special carbon analyzers.
- argon-flushed sparking probe
- high measuring accuracy, incl. C
- non-destructive testing
- multi fibre quarz optics, 3m to 8m* length
- special probe connector system
- lightweight shockproof plasic probe housing
- adequate adapters available

Argon Probe UV
The Argon Probe UV allows the analysis of phosphorus and sulphur also with the Belec Compact Port HLC. The short wavelengths emitted by these elements can not be transmitted by an optical fibre, unlike carbon. Instead, a small spectrometer is built into the probe. At the same time, it keeps its easy and comfortable handling due to low weight.
- argon-flushed sparking probe incl. C-analysis
- argon-flushed sparking probe incl. P, S, N*-analysis
- probe connector system
- multi fibre quartz optics, 3 m to 8 m*
- adapters for tubes, wires + small parts
- non-destructive material testing

Air Probe
The air probe comes into operation for quick mix-up checking. Inspection cycles of less than three seconds can be achieved, after which an approximate analysis and grade identification is displayed. If a mix is found, a visual and/or audible fault signal is generated, which must be confirmed by the operator.
- air measurings
- quick mix-up testing
- multi fibre quarz optics, 3m to 8m* length
- special probe connector system
- lightweight shockproof plastic probe housing
- visual signal on mix-up testing incl. confirmation button
- adequate adapters available
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Wire Adapter for Sparking Stand
The sparking stand of Belec Vario Lab is the bearing surface for the sample to be analysed. In case the opening hole of the argon-flushed measuring chamber is not covered by the sample because of its size or shape, special adapters care for the best possible analysis accuracy .
With the help of our set of wire adapters, wires of 2-12mm diameter can be analyzed in steps of 0,5mm. Here, wires are clamped into the adapter vertically. The centering prism fixes the adapter on the sparking stand to create an optimal testing situation.
Small wires with a diameter less than 0,5mm or from 0,5 – 2mm diameter can also be analysed with the help of suitable adapters. Here, wires are clamped into the adapter horizontally. The centering prism fixes the adapter on the sparking stand to create an optimal testing situation.
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Tube Adapter for Sparking Stand
Tube adapters with standardized outside diameter are available in different sizes. The different adapters can easily be replaced and therefore offer maximum flexibility to the operator.
Especially for Small Parts
The special sparking table suits for the most different applications. Small parts with a minimum diameter of 4mm can be analysed by the use of special inserts. A very robust ceramic insert is used for samples of small cross-sections.
The special small part adapter can be used e.g. for the analysis of globes. By the use of a special vacuum system for sample fixing inside of the adapter, even a reliable small part analysis is possible.